Unit Plan Basics – Why you need them


Unit Plan Basics

Has anyone ever told you that you need to write unit plans?  Has anyone ever told you HOW to write unit plans?  How about how to use unit plans to streamline your curriculum planning?  

What if I told you that having unit plans cut my lesson planning time in half (and then in half again)? Or that, by having unit plans, I was able to resequence my entire curriculum and give myself six weeks of time at the end of my school year for final exam review?

On today’s episode of the All Star Planning podcast you will learn

  • the basics for writing a unit plan
  • how your unit plans can help you to plan your lessons
  • how your unit plans can help you to plan your course
  • how sequencing your units can change the entire outlook of your course

Want to learn more about the All Star Planning Method? Check out the free masterclass!

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