Welcome to the All Star Planning Podcast! In our first episode, I’m talking about your approach to teaching your standards. Every teacher deals with their standards differently. I started out really stressed and overwhelmed by my standards. I felt like I didn’t know how to read my standards. Nobody ever taught me! All of the codes were confusing! Science standards, chemistry standards, interdisciplinary standards – I couldn’t keep up!
Because my student teaching experience was in a great school I simply copied what I learned when I had my own classroom. I was teaching in a school, essentially by myself. I was the only chemistry teacher there, so I couldn’t bounce ideas off of anybody. It eventually caught up with me. When I felt like I was drowning in my lesson plans I decided to go back to the basics and take a really hard look at how I was teaching my standards. In a moment of frustration, I took a scissor to my standards and chopped them up into what felt like a million pieces.
And that crazed moment gave me SO much clarity. I looked at my standards as a giant to do list. My standards became my goal, and in that my friends! I learned to love my standards once I rearranged them and made them my own.

Having a handle on my standards started to make my lesson planning so much easier!
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