Numbering your lessons may be the most important part of your curriculum planning, and helping your classroom run. Giving your course a coding system won’t just be beneficial to you either. Numbering your lessons will help your students, parents, admin, guidance and team teachers.

I use my coding system everywhere that I can. When you number your lessons, put those codes on worksheets, notebook pages, lesson plans, unit plans etc. You name it, there should be a number on it! By using a coding system, you can streamline your photocopies and get out of the copy room as soon as possible.
7 Reasons you Should Number Your Lessons
- It outlines where I am in my curriculum and pacing
- It forces me to create flow within my lessons and planning
- Paperflow and photocopies aren’t stressful
- Keeps my students organized
- Parent communication is much clearer (this is especially true for more complex subjects that parents don’t use in their everyday lives, like chemistry)
- Gradebook is much more organized and it’s easier for kids to make up work
- INBs take up less time (If you’re interested in hearing more about My Unpopular Opinions about Interactive notebooks, you can read the post here. )
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